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_di Okan Caliskan - activedia - Pixabay_ Guarigione .jpg

Of the healing of the body

"My" philosophy is very simple, so simple that some consider it madness. Yet when you apply all the rules it works ...


No! I used the word "rules", I don't want them anymore in my life. Not one ... Why on earth do I propose them to you?



Perhaps because there is a phase of your existence, where without "rules" you do not go forward and nothing changes in your life if you do not give yourself rules.


I would give you only one, and that is to learn to meditate, because meditation is one of the best tools we have for self-listening, to understand who we are, what is good for us and what is bad for us. And if you meditate you no longer need any rules, because you always automatically know for yourself what is right at a certain moment for you ... for your general well-being, for your health in the long term, but also for your personal fulfillment and for your happiness

_Satheesh Sankaran - Pixabay_ uomo medita - arancione  .jpg

So, as always (if you have already read the other pages) I propose that you learn to keep silence within yourself, to do so you can go to the page "Inner silence and the seven pillars of happiness" and do the exercise that appears there or - if you prefer - you can move to the page dedicated to Christian contemplation "God, faith and me" ._ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

No? Do you prefer to know (from others, in this case from me) rather than discover through yourself? Okay, I did it for forty years too, I understand you.

So, let's go back to "my" philosophy. I believe that life is a perfect mirror of our inner world, just as our physical body is a perfect mirror of what we have not yet elaborated or understood on a subtle level. I believe that pain and / or illness are the necessary tool in life to tell us that we are on the wrong path.

So don't blame your malaise or your problems, but talk to them. Ask your pain what it has to tell you, ask it when you stopped listening to yourself to listen to others. Ask him where you can learn now to say "no" to others, to say "yes" to yourself ... not to your ego, but to your soul . 

I believe that we are on this planet to have deep experiences of understanding, to learn to realize ourselves by understanding who we are, making use of our talents hidden under the masks of the ego (emotional wounds, family themes, attachments, fears, ideologies, etc. .), thus asking ourselves what makes us truly and deeply happy. It is by following our personal fulfillment and our happiness that we really help others, not to respond to a moral doctrine, but to our innate desire for sharing, a natural desire that can only be born in the heart of those who are deeply happy and fulfilled.  

So one more premise, before talking about "healing techniques" ._ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

The premise is that beyond the technique (even optimal) that we decide we want to use to heal our body whether it is traditional medicine (which I do not take care of) or alternative, naturopathy or energy medicine, etc. no technique will give lasting results if we have not understood that ours is a holistic system in which soul, mind, body and emotions play together, guided by a subtle-energetic system that works only if we are happy and move in harmony with our own soul, that part of us that knows everything about us, wants the best for us and aspires to boundless happiness.

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It is not a utopia, but a responsibility.

Can meditation help develop deep AWARENESS? _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
And I believe awareness is a key to happiness . 

Do you want to be happy? Then you have to take care of your awareness.

Awareness cannot be learned from books, it is an experience that must be sought, I believe that it arises from the true desire to understand, to search beyond the veil of the stories we have told or believed in, beyond prejudice and judgment: these the latter are culturally so accustomed that we no longer even see them in us and in our mental habits, which have now become prisons of the spirit.
Here, the joy is out of the jail in which we live imprisoned and unaware. And one of the sure keys to opening the door is awareness.


How do you become aware?

Well, frankly I don't know if there are many rules, for sure I can show you the path that I followed and that took me very far ... SILENCE. Not so much that of words (even if I started from that), but that of judgment.

Learn to remain silent in front of what you see, whatever you see. Suspension of judgment? Make it an exercise or a game if you prefer.  

Stop calling this good and that bad, stop saying you can't stand this and that; stop complaining, getting hot and scandalized: if there is something you know and can change in the world, just do it. Point. 

Instead of judging and complaining, observe everything in silence.

Learn to be silent with words, even when it seems to you that things go wrong, the silence of words will teach you the silence of inner judgment: when you have developed the ability not to judge, you will have the energy to change everything that needs to be changed and your abstention from judging will give you enormous peace first and great joy later.

If something makes you impatient, nervous or angry, observe your inner reactions: become a scientist of yourself, observe your emotions, your feelings, your body reactions and your thoughts.
You are nothing of what you observe, therefore do not identify with them (this is the cause of enormous and useless pain in your life), but do not identify with the observer either, you are not even that. Continue to observe anyway.   

Inhale and exhale deeply, whatever challenge you have ahead of you. Accept your challenges (don't fight them by complaining about them or playing the victim to yourself or others) - they make you the person you always wanted to be.

Stop judging and issuing sentences: ask yourself what you can learn from the people and situations that life puts in front of you, each of them gives you the opportunity to deepen your theme (a shadow, a negative energy, a demon, call it a little 'as you please, but realize that without your cooperation it will not disappear); _ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

when you have understood, elaborated and integrated 
all your shadows (themes, demons, etc.) _ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
no one on this planet will bother you anymore,  
so accept your lessons,
in your own interest 

Simply say "yes" to everything that life presents to you: it is always well intentioned, even when it does not seem so,
Your thoughts and words are the colors of the brushstrokes on the picture of your life. Do you want a life full of light, harmony and joy? Observe that your thoughts are loving, respectful and positive: be aware of your role as co-creator of your reality and take full responsibility for YOUR part . 

When someone hurts you, learn to (completely) take their (still unconscious) point of view, observe the emotions they awaken in you, work with them to integrate them, they come from your past, and then (then, after working with your emotions, which should not be repressed!) forgive him: he does not know how to do otherwise at this moment and by hurting you he is giving you the possibility to understand a theme (shadow, demon, etc.) that has to do with you; one day you will be grateful to him, even if this seems absurd to you today. This was perhaps why Jesus told us to love our enemies. If no person provoked us, we would never discover all the garbage that is inside us and that from there, hidden, makes our life go wrong; we would never have the opportunity to do this so called shadow work, we would never grow up and we would never become the best part of ourselves. AND...


Only when you have fully, radically and consciously forgiven someone (therefore AFTER FEELING EMOTIONS such as ANGER IN YOUR BODY, without feeling guilty for them) WILL YOU FIND a DEEP PEACE within you and that peace will invade all spheres of your life. 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_




Rediscover the things that fill you with joy and do them. Maybe if you are gifted with certain talents is it because you derive joy from them and with them you bring joy into the lives of others? If you want this world to become a better place   rediscover your talents and share them with those around you. 

Never do anything to get something (be it money, appreciation, security or other ...), because this means acting not according to the center of yourself, but outside of yourself, but THE HAPPINESS YOU SO MUCH LOVE is in your center.


Dare to leave paths that lead you away from the center of yourself, from your joy, from your potential: let yourself be guided   by joy or unconditional love._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_

Live in the present moment, do not worry about the future, this only takes away the energy to better enjoy the now. The present moment always brings you exactly what you need. And if it should be pain, welcome it so that it does not become useless suffering, but is a laying brick for your new home.  

Trust in life: it will take care of you in a grand and spectacular way, if you have learned to be silent and trust it.

If you like, write your reflections in a diary: this can help you understand and understand yourself better.
Personally I also work a lot with my dreams…  
Make "yes" the mantra of your life, no matter what life offers you, always say "yes" to it. It is an "inner yes" to those things that you cannot change. Instead, take care of the things you can change, take responsibility for them, and leave them behind. Something much better awaits you. Inner acceptance, on the other hand, even in changing everything that is up to you to change, will immediately bring you deep peace, then great joy and with time great happiness, of course I know that I have already written it to you, but perhaps you already had it. forgotten.

So: stop complaining, stop judging, stop worrying about tomorrow: learn to SILENCE, inside and out . 

I trust life and its gifts for me: it has never disappointed me. 
And it has never disappointed any of those I know and who walk consistently.

TheDigitalArtist - Pete Linforth da Pixabay - strada .jpg

How do you know you are on the right track? _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

Yeah ... What tells you you're on the right track? _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

These are just my answers, you don't have to take them for 100%, they are what I believe in today. 


-     You have the feeling that life is taking care of you and for this you are deeply serene, even if there will always be some low moments, which are part of the path : that PAIN that wants to be RECOGNIZED (it is a part of you that you have not taken care of for a long time), ACCEPTED and integrated;

-     you no longer blame someone or the system, but you look inside yourself and wonder where the pain that is in your life at this moment comes from;

-     in the evening you fall asleep peacefully and in the morning you wake up full of motivation and joy (although there will be many "bad moments", honestly, the night is not a real rarity, it depends on the wounds you have inside ... and your constancy in working with them during the day)

-    you don't need doctors perpetually in your life, BUT if you have strayed far from yourself, and now you are trying to understand who you are, it is clear that you will still need doctors and medicines for a long time ... The inner healing process, which normally corresponds to a healing process of the body, can be very long and can even last a lifetime, but - do you remember point 1? - if in the evening you fall asleep peacefully and in the morning you wake up full of motivation and joy, then you are on the right path.


Calmly I will tell you about different and more concrete ways of healing, those in any case that have helped me, my loved ones, my clients and many millions of other people to heal their inner world and - consequently - their own. body. Here are some listed below, but remember thathealing is linked to a grace.


Have no expectations and enjoy the path of knowing yourself.

Here are some ideas for work:


Alex Loyd's code of healing

If you want to start working with this method, you can also do it with a YouTube video, considering however that it is extrapolated from a path of 40 days to change.

(Of course you can also do the whole "40 days to change" path and you will reap great benefits).

Meanwhile, here is the video:


Learn about Rife frequencies. Also in this case you find many videos on YouTube.


I find subliminal messages very useful, in this video (also extrapolated from 40 days) I explain how I discovered them and how I use them. Otherwise documented online:


There are disciplines such as Qi Gong and Thai Qi, Yoga and bioenergetics that work well in activating your energy channels. Maybe you can sign up for a course near your home? My life has led me on the path of silent Qi Gong and yoga kundalini (here on the site you will also find many ideas to work with these disciplines over time), but we are all different and each of us will be attracted to the best disciplines for him in a given time.


I also suggest you search on Facebook for Elia Tropeano's group on instant therapies, led by Luisa Fornasiero. Very useful . 


For Christian believers I will deepen the discourse of healing "in the name of Christ" in the page "God, faith and me". Here if you want an introduction video:

I think you have enough ideas to begin with.
And remember that the most important thing is to live one moment at a time, here and now. 
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