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God, faith and me

I wanted to create a special space on the page dedicated to my dialogue with you, a person who I imagine similar to Clare of a decade ago, that is to myself linked to the Catholic Christian tradition, that tradition that has given me so many important gifts, including the most important is that of Christian contemplation according to Franz Jalics, a "tool" (limiting and poor to define it that way, I know) that gave me a new life, that rebirth that Jesus promised to all those who give their lives for others .


As in the page where I speak of inner silence, I wish you would not read further, I would like you to have an experience before moving on, because - you know? - I have read everything legible about God in the first forty years of my life, but I had never known Him.


I met him when I stopped reading and learned to be silent, sitting on a meditation cushion.


Do you know what I said then, after learning to be silent inside me?


I said it was as if I had heard the voice of God saying “Chiara, you have been talking to me for 40 years, now listen to me”.


And you?


Do you listen to God?


Or do you talk, talk, talk and talk too, as I did? Do you also have a head full of so many wonderful concepts? Do you also believe that you know what is right and what is not?



It is very nice to talk to God, honestly I talked much more often with Jesus, a "man of flesh and blood" is a simpler figure to relate to. Even if "relationship" is not the right word. In a relationship you talk, while I kept talkative monologues. You too?


How do you listen?


We must be silent.

A profound silence . 
An inner silence . 
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You can gladly take a look at that part of my page"THE INNER SILENCE AND THE 7 PILLARS OF HAPPINESS"or do a little exercise here . 

Sit with your spine straight.
Close your eyes.
Bring your full attention to where the air enters and exits your nostrils.
Stay there with attention.
Feel the air coming in.
Do you feel the pause, still air? Focus on the perception of this moment.

Feel the air coming out.
Feel the break, air out? Focus on the perception of this moment.

See if you notice any differences between the quality of the air that enters and that that comes out.
Bring all your attention to the perception of that point . 
You can also count:
1 air coming in
2 still air inlet
3 air coming out
4 “still” air outside

If you find that your thoughts take you away before you count to 4, start over . 

If you find that there are too many thoughts, bring all your attention and perception to that one phase of breathing that is now:

1 air coming in
1 still air in
1 air coming out
1 “still” air outside

That number one "1" is all you have. There is only that moment. The first and last moment of your life, of your experience as a human being of observing yourself and your breath. Be present in front of this unprecedented opportunity.

If you feel like having a little longer experience, I suggest you start the contemplation exercises. I made those according to Franz Jalics. You can do them too by looking for a place to do them near you. Or you can try through my guide, with videos on YouTube.


Here is the first episode of two different versions: the one in which you do all the exercises in six days and the one in which you do them in six weeks. For example, you can start with six days and then start over and do it for six weeks. Consider that I did these shots during the pandemic and in a completely improvised way: do not have too many expectations on the technical quality.


1st episode spiritual exercises in six days:


1st episode eg. spiritual in six weeks:


I advise you to read further only after having done at least a small exercise in inner silence.

Today I believe that no written word can profoundly and radically change the  someone's life, and that only an experience makes real and lasting change possible.


Are you wondering if the gospel can't change people's lives? In my experience, not if you stop at a rational, logical, intellectual interpretation. Perhaps it creates moral foundations, but more often than not it builds a great distance from God if the person stops at that kind of understanding and at his own monologue with God, without reaching dialogue, deep listening. bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

​It is my relationship with Christ that changes my life,  
not what i know about him e 
about the wonderful things he said . 

We must learn to close our eyes and feel Christ's guidance as an everlasting hand holding ours.

If you feel the need to control your life, to know what you will eat tomorrow, you have lost touch with that hand. It is always there, learn to trust it.


I didn't have a "safe" life, but a wonderful one, yes.

The more you learn to trust, the more miracles come that show you that you are guided.


Over time I will enrich this page with my experiences, but I think it is much more important that you do yours ...


We read so much, we know the biographies and truths of others, even those of the Saints, but if we don't know who we are, what are they for?

Trust in the hand of God,

it is as true as the food you ate today.

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I believe that science is, in a certain sense, blocked by itself, or rather by the "scientific method" ... I like Feyerabend and I believe that if science does not learn to consider the human being as something unique and unrepeatable, just as unique and unrepeatable are the moment and the reality that science would like to be equal to themselves (when for example it says "all things being equal, etc."), influenced by unique micro and macro cosmic coordinates, one cannot pass to a new science that would be much closer to the truth than the current one is.


Therefore the human being with his inner baggage (psychic, emotional, spiritual, energetic, subtle in general and consequently physical), the moment in which that human being is considered on the basis of his inner world (subtle microcosm) and this in interaction with the external coordinates (subtle macrocosm).


Contemplated these three bases, science could explain much more, without yet being able to explain everything, unless all "scientists" have made their own path of descaling from old knowledge, from attachment to certain concepts, it does not matter. which, because I think that the truth (perhaps I should say "reality") is beyond all that we believe to be true and immutable now. And what I have seen in my life is that this reality is revealed to us as we remove a layer of our ego (childhood wounds, fears, blocks, beliefs, attachments, etc.), so I imagine a "new" science that if he wants to be "exact" or get close to "exactness", he cannot ignore a path of personal growth (work with the shadows or a path of faith or call it whatever you want) that leads to a state of inner silence (the phase of "reason" from the phenomenology of the spirit of Hegel?) of the researcher (scientist?).

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In this context it is easy to understand Saint Augustine when he said that miracles do not go against nature, but against those laws of nature that we have not yet understood ...

Saint Augustine had probably himself had an experience of interior silence, that is, of distancing (disidentification) from an old knowledge believed to be true, to arrive at something much greater and clearer and that explains everything than what previously seemed inexplicable.


In short, and to take practical advantage of what has been said:

the INNER SILENCE (the ability not to depend on any conviction, on any idea, on any pre-established knowledge and therefore to be present 100% in the here and now: here and now: the here and now as the only "valid" coordinate to establish that which is true for us right now) IT CAN BRING SO-CALLED MIRACLES  in our life, great things, but which upon closer inspection (once received) were NATURAL THINGS, given the "changes" we had made in our life and in our approach to it (first of all mental changes).

In short, the responsibility of seeing these miracles is ours.

On the other hand, Jesus said to those he miraculously said: la your fede saved you ...

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