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Take care of the silence.
And silence will take care of your life.


A little exercise

Read the instructions all the way, and then get started.

Image by Sebastian Knoll

If you have done the exercise and want to poke around, you can do it, but I warn you: you will find nothing but words and words. Instead, it is this small and simple exercise in perception that I have proposed to you here that can help you find the inner silence you are looking for.

Imagine that you are an extra-terrestrial who has been catapulted into a human body, and study your body and your perceptions with great curiosity, knowing that this is your first and last chance to do so. I repeat: do not enter the analysis, let your thoughts flow and return your attention to the perception of the body.

You can play this game whenever you want, even without closing your eyes: when you are waiting at the supermarket checkout, on the phone, at the traffic lights, etc.

Well, maybe you have had your (first?) Experience of inner and conscious silence.
Yes, playing the game with the perception of the foot: by bringing all your attention into the body, you interrupted for a moment the flow of thoughts with which we normally identify ourselves and believe to be the "truth" ... without understanding that it is only "our truth ”, which springs from our mind and from the socialization it has undergone.

Since I discovered inner silence I prefer it to any form of attachment to presumed (my) truths on which I used to depend on my life.  

Today I am much freer:  

-     I must not defend my truth (if there is a Truth, rest assured that It defends itself)
-     I don't have to fight with people and situations anymore. 
-     I don't have to convince anyone that what I believe is true.
-     Above all: I don't have to live in a certain way that I consider right rationally, but I can live in the present moment, that famous hic et nunc. Being here and now, without being influenced by the past or the future, therefore - I add - without judging - on the basis of my mental structures necessarily linked to the past, because judgment arises from the cultural assumption of knowing what is right and what is not sia. 
-     I don't think about what I will eat for dinner tonight, but neither where I will go on vacation this summer.
-     But above all: I DON'T WORRY ABOUT THE FUTURE. Yes, this was one of the great achievements of my excavation work in the silence of the present moment: suddenly, after months and months of contemplative andmeditative (Christian contemplation According to Franz Jalics and Zazen meditation, click to read more) intensa I realized that I was no longer afraid ... (and I was in a situation that in the past I would have defined as dramatic, among other things without a job or even the money to shop for food). I just felt (and feel) safe.

ragazza di distensione
And do you know what the great thing is? The more I meditated, the safer and more I felt
Preghiera della donna

At this point I cannot fail to mention my faith, and how it has become "concrete". From the theory of the Father (God) who takes care of you to the concreteness of occasions, objects and people who have increasingly crossed my path bringing me everything I needed.

Of course we should agree on the definition of "God". Because at a certain point someone asked me "and how do you exclude that they are aliens?". And I said “sure, who can rule it out? I see that there is a system that takes care of me, when I allow it, I call it God, but if they are the aliens - even if they are a bit sick, I admit - what's the problem? What I see - and what makes me feel good - is that it is a loving and intelligent system, which brings to light my inner truth, focuses on my personal fulfillment, my long-term happiness as well as that of those who it surrounds me, so I feel safe ”.


The fact is that this system (God?) Can only "work" if we allow it. The old concept of free will… that our mind controls, proposing all its solutions and concerns, a system of limiting and harmful beliefs that in fact produce disharmony in the lives of most people. This is why it is important to learn to be silent inside, so that the mind does not continue to produce all the damage it has produced up to now.


What do I mean by "take care of the silence"?


I intend to reach an inner state in which there is profound peace.

A place where the past no longer creates problems for you, because you are able to let go of those thoughts related to anger and / or resentment for situations that are now past.

A place where you are able to fully accept what is happening now and which you cannot change.

And it is the same place from which you observe situations that IT IS up to you to change today: and for those you find the courage and strength to stand up - without wasting even a word to complain, because you know that this would steal that energy of which you need to face the change.

The first exercise I proposed to you at the beginning of this page (you can find it here if you want) is an excellent exercise, which with regular practice, can help you find inner silence, but if it is your desire to reach this state of inner silence, express this wish and you will see that the right doors will open for you. If you want to meditate with me click here:

This for me is silence:
to silence the mind that complains, complains and worries
to give space to the mind that proposes, plans and acts.
And it often does so without using words.

I will repeat myself, do not pay attention to it, I do it because it is the repetition that digs into us and fixes. 
It is repetition that transforms (new?) Concepts foreign to us into concepts that slowly become ours and obvious. This is how monogamy is normal in us and polygamy is normal elsewhere. This is why in some places it is normal to eat beef and elsewhere it is sacrilege.
And this not only applies to theoretical concepts, but also to practical habits, for example   that is why it is normal for you to go by car, while for others it is normal to go by bus or bicycle. … (or viceversa).
This is why for some it is inconceivable that one partner should raise his voice or say an idiot to the other, while others live in humiliating and / or devaluing relationships that have always been.
This is why some have always had breakfast at the bar, even if they say they have no money, while others have never done it, considering it a waste, despite having a nice nest egg aside.

Normality? Stuff for those who ignore reality ...  

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Our brain is like this: it gets used to everything and considers it the norm.

Know that there is no norm, no normality, there are only beliefs that create your reality. If you like the reality you live in today (and you're not lying to yourself, as I have been with myself for 40 years), just stay in the warmth of your so-called comfort zone. But if there is something you don't like about your life, know that it is your right to get up and go get what you want

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I will have to specify that I am speaking of desires of the heart. If you need two big cars and five villas with swimming pools to be happy, most likely it is your ego's wishes and if so it will probably not be the inner silence that will help you, but if your desire is to have a job that matches your needs. your natural talents, a state of health that allows you to be peaceful, fulfilling emotional relationships (based on mutual respect, esteem and love) and the realization of all those inner visions that arise from the depths of your heart, then yes , silence will most likely put you on the right path to reach them and guide you to them.

Take care of the silence . 
And silence will take care of your life.

So, I said, I will repeat to myself: all that keeps us away from the realization of the life we dream is the useless chatter of our mind, everything that creates problems for us - first internal and then external - arises from the opposition of our mind towards what it was (1) and towards what it is now (2), and towards what could happen in the future ... (3)


(1) and (2) That is, we nourish - with our mind - thoughts of anger and / or resentment related to past and / or present events, furthermore we complain about things that it is not in our power to change: this leads to an enormous loss of energy, a lot of malaise and, over time, even serious illness.


(2) Then we complain about things that it is up to us to change today (work, friendships, etc.). This complaining of ours causes us to hand over - without being aware of it - the scepter of power over our lives to third parties. In reality it would be enough to make different decisions now (overcoming our mental, concrete and cultural habits) and be consistent with them, for our life to change for the better in a very short time.


(3) And then there are "our" thoughts that harbor negative scenarios for the future: the fear of how things might go (wrong).


Learning to be silent within yourself, learning to observe the mind and the stories it tells us without believing it and without identifying with it: this is the beginning of a profound healing process.

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And the paradox is that only deep (inner) acceptance can bring about the changes we so much hope for. The silence of the mind and the perception of emotions in the body: the beginning of healing.


Learn to be silent within yourself

and life will surprise you ...


I remind you of the exercise for inner silence:

Another definition of INNER SILENCE?



I mean with inner silence that state (of grace?) In which you live the present moment for what it is, you do not react to situations based on your emotional and cultural baggage, but as if you were new on this planet, without preconceptions, without judgments. , without projections and without fears.

When I re-studied Hegel a few years ago, after having had my experience of silence and therefore detached myself from all those prejudices inherited from education and socialization, well I found that phase that he defines "reason" (the third in the phenomenology of the spirit ) coinciding with what I today call interior silence.

I don't want philosophy professors, I speak on the basis of my personal experience and on the basis of what (perhaps a little) I understand about the philosophy of others.


The INNER SILENCE is the conquest of an adult human being who has learned to think outside the learned schemes, outside the family, educational, religious and social tracks, beyond his (personal and based on his history) sympathies, his judgments. and prejudices, and which therefore no longer re-acts in front of the things that happen, but from time to time acts: it ACT and does not RE-ACT.


Anger is a re-action.

Fear is a re-action.

Judgment is a re-action.

You understand?

Every time you move, think, talk and do based on what you have already known it is as if you were living in the past, while the only real thing is the present moment. It is only in the present moment that EVERYTHING CAN SUDDENLY CHANGE.

And I write it, because I see it happening in my life… it is not literature, it is not philosophy: it is my reality. And I hope it becomes the reality of all those who desire a NEW EXISTENCE: it is possible. And it can (must?) Be born in our minds, because it is already in our hearts: it is there that it lies buried under the heaps of impeding, harmful and limiting chatter of our mind.  

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This is why it is important to learn to observe the chattering mind and not listen to it anymore. It wants to scare us, but we will tell it that we no longer believe it, at the same time allowing the fear to be there, without demonizing it: FEEL THE FEAR - AND OTHER EMOTIONS - IN THE BODY. If we repressed them, we would play the game of the chattering mind, it is she who suggests us to be afraid of emotions, while they are nothing but parts of us that want to be welcomed, named, accepted, questioned and thus integrated: "dear emotion, what message do you have for me? What are you trying to tell me? How come you hurt me so bad? Is there anything I can do to improve my existence that I still don't do? Thank you for the alarm that sounds inside me, I listen to you ..., etc. "


And when we have heard and perceived the emotions in the body, when we understand their message is simple and that it is only the fact of having repressed them for an infinite time that has caused them to sometimes scream and hurt us to be heard, well just still   observe with detachment the chatter of the talkative mind, and voila, peace will arrive, moments of deep understanding will arrive, and with understanding an ever more freedom_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136_bad5cf58d surprising, bigger and bigger.


For me today this going hand in hand with serenity, understandings about understandings (truth?) And freedom are the expression of that "thing" that I - a believer - like to call God.


Not the God of some religion, but what others perhaps call the Universe, Spirit, etc.? Of course for me, linked to the Christian tradition, it is also that Father who sent a son who saved my life. If you don't love religion, this man's philosophy may be enough to save you - literally - your life. If you want to know how it was for me (which does not mean that it has to be the same for you, but maybe you are curious ...) I'll tell you here

God, faith and me

What about the 7 pillars of happiness?


Well I have come to establish the importance of these seven pillars, through a state of inner silence.

This is why I always say that it would make more sense in my opinion to seek silence, so that everyone has their own experience and reaches their own conclusions on what is necessary to be happy. For me, happiness is a road, which passes through a deep sense of peace and leads to the full realization of all those talents that are contained in us.

So I have reached my - relative - conclusions.

If you want to read them, before having your experience of silence, here, I reveal to you what these pillars are in my opinion today:


If you delve into the meaning of these seven steps on the way to profound realization, you will find that they could be encapsulated in unconditional love for what IS. And it can be achieved by practicing to silence the thousand voices we have inside, those that judge, complain, preach and worry ... In short, you should learn to be silent inside: an elementary thing that requires only good will and a little bit ofexercise: without discipline there is no happiness, if not fleeting and superficial ...

Here is the first episode of the route:

And if you want a superficial explanation of why things in your life do not go as you would like, here is the third installment of the journey:

If you want to see a video (12 minutes) in which I talk a little about my experience of inner silence and the steps that led me to my conclusions, you can click here:

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