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"Miracles do not go against the laws of nature,

St. Augustine

It doesn't matter what your problem is


or to accept it completely and be at peace with it

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Nothing that affects us emotionally happens in our life by chance:
recognizing the EMOTIONS and THEMES recurring in our existence is our task. It is a task to which it is important to dedicate oneself especially when in the
your life things do not go as you would like, emotions seem to take over and you wonder why this is happening to you - for the umpteenth time -
something that hurts you.

Life talks to us all the time.
Do you take the time to listen to it?

It constantly suggests us to take a break, to change jobs, to attend that course we have always wanted to do, to attend people who
love and respect us. Life reminds us to take care of ourselves in some way, and to do it with love.

Do you treat yourself with love?

If life knocked on your door a hundred times, and you never listened to what it had to say, pain will be the last call. It's a necessary pain, because
few remain indifferent to pain, and when he knocks, almost everyone asks "why?".

If your question is “why?”, A healing process has already begun within you.

Trust this process ..._ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

Who I am

I am a spiritual seeker. I have always been a great believer, but before I was addicted to an image of God inherited from others, which limited me, imprisoned me with "moral" duties and divided me internally due to deep-seated guilt feelings. Today I am a free woman who lives with a deep sense of peace inside and who has changed her own interpretation of the divine (in which I still strongly believe also for having experienced it), but the God I believe in today is an ally and not a judge with raised finger . 

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The logic of the soul

Carla Evani's narrative

CARLA EVANI is the pseudonym I chose to publish my first novel ("Come Aria"), then I grew fond of it, I kept it for subsequent publications and now I use it to distinguish fictional writings from non-fiction ones and / or more  autobiographical which can be found for example here in the rest of the site . 

I had chosen to write in other guise for several reasons, the two most important: the fear of being identified and the desire to protect the family of my friend "Arianna".
Then someone revealed my identity by betrayal, I came out into the open, and I took the opportunity to enjoy the "notoriety": not all evils come to harm.

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I love spending my time with children. I was the mother who always took all her son's friends home with us and we made bricolage and cookies together. In the meantime my son is a big boy taller than me with a beard and mustache and I have completed training as a kundalini yoga teacher for children and I gladly spend my time with other people's children: I organize themed yoga meetings for the little ones (we cook , we paint, do DIY and play together), I hold courses in parks or organize animated parties for the little ones where everyone has fun.

This "offer" makes sense for you if you live in Teramo, in Frankfurt (the two cities where I am most often), in Faeto (the country where I "inherited" my grandparents' house and my first meditation center is being born - click here for more information) or in a place where I might want to spend a few days on vacation;) _ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

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I don't like the idea of children spending time in front of a screen, but I see more and more parents believe that there is no other choice (there is always another choice, another possibility).

So I will start to publish some of my stories (educational - what a bad word, the opposite of the lightness that I love) which will have as protagonists the animals of the yoga forest ...

If you have any questions or a particular problem with your child (of any age) please contact me privately . 

Image by Senjuti Kundu

Practical help

The greatest help comes from being able to mentally detach yourself from the problem you have.

All the solutions to the problems in my life came when I was no longer   taking care of them. 

Hard? A matter of exercise: I did it by practicing contemplation first and meditation then. 

In the states of INNER SILENCE that I touched, a very deep PEACE inhabited my mind. And the desire to remain in these states of peace made me become addicted to contemplation / meditation . 

And little by little the solutions and the answers came.

Little by little my life changed.

Little by little, peace was no longer only in the contemplative-meditative island, but in every minute of my life.

A second phase was that in which the old wounds (mine and family) and the old themes began to knock in the silence, buried under years and years of "everything is fine" ._ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

Here I have put an algorithm into practice:

1) FEEL THE EMOTION in my body 

2) if possible, give it a NAME and HEAR it AGAIN

3) ACCEPT IT and / or accept the situation 

4) where I cannot accept these I ACCEPT MYSELF and my inability to accept

5) then I "take" the problem or situation and deliver it:

     - (as a believer) in the hands of my guardian angel / Jesus or others

     - (from unbeliever) to a super-reliable fictional expert, who puts her in his top priority -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

6) wanting the BLESS


If the problem / theme is related to another person I judge, there is another algorithm from point 4 onwards - so from 1 to 4 all identical, then:

1) FEEL THE EMOTION in my body 

2) if possible, give it a NAME and HEAR it AGAIN

3) ACCEPT IT and / or accept the situation 

4) where I cannot accept these I ACCEPT MYSELF and my inability to accept

5) I wonder

   a) "how does this theme or emotion have to do with me?" - 

   b) what is the last time I felt this emotion in my life? And which is the first, if I go far back in memory? And when have I already dealt with this topic? How many other people I know have a theme that recurs so often in their life? Maybe they have another theme, but not mine. So maybe this issue really has to do with me?

   c) and if this / or emotion / theme was a part of me that others have shown me over the years? _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_

   d) do I have the opportunity to find out if in my family (on the maternal or paternal side) there were similar themes? (Evtl family constellation or other "techniques" - meditation with the ancestors, etc. There are hundreds of possibilities to work on these familiar themes today, choose the most suitable for yourself)  

   e) what attributes / nouns do I use to judge my current "enemy"? How does this attribute / noun relate to me? When was the last time I did this with  

      _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb5894_ 136bad5cde-3194-bb5894_ 136bad5cde-3194-bb5894_ 136bad5c3-same

      _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb5894_13bad5c5, others colleagues, parents, neighbors, etc.)

    Or when I wanted to be like this (careless, crafty, profiteer) but _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d   have I repressed this part of me, ignoring it? (INFO: Saints too try       ALL emotions, and do not live _ according to them7 ... 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf5890d-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf5890d_ 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf5890d_b -136bad5cf58d_ that an emotion is in you, causes that emotion to create problems in your life. _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_   FEEL and ACCEPT that an emotion is a part of you simply, you      help you to live well ... it's a gesture of love towards you.

    For ex. if you find yourself calling someone a "jerk", ask yourself where you are unintelligent in managing your emotions, for example;) _ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

Or if you accuse someone of being stingy, when you have been stingy with yourself, with others or - the opposite - you would have liked or could have been less generous, but you didn't allow it? _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

With this technique I have solved a thousand of my themes and emotions that gave me many problems. It's just a proposal ... If it helps you, I'll be happy. And if so: word of mouth:) _ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_



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